Snack Shack

The Eatons Hill State School ‘Snack Shack’ tuckshop is run and funded by the EHSS P&C to serve fresh, homemade and nutritious food to the school community, five days per week.  All profits from the Snack Shack go back to the tuckshop and school through the P&C.  The Snack Shack needs and relies upon our wonderful volunteers for its continuing success.

The Snack Shack is guided by the principles of Smart Choices – Healthy food and Drink Supply Strategy for Queensland Schools.  This Strategy categorizes food and drink into 3 groups: Green -Have plenty, Amber – Choose carefully, and Red – Limit.  As such, the Snack Shack strives to mainly offer foods that fall in the green or amber categories.

The Snack Shack is also a member of Queensland Association of School Tuckshops (QAST) and as such receives a wealth of nutritional information about how to apply good principles of nutrition in school tuckshops.

The Snack Shack aims to provide an affordable food service that encourages our children to choose healthy meal options.  Nearly every item is made fresh using seasonal fresh produce.  Check out our delicious summer menu.

The Snack Shack is operated by a paid Operations Convenor and several Retail Assistants.  This small team is supported by an amazing group of much valued volunteers.  If you would like to get involved, we have a number of ways that you can help.

How do we purchase?

Orders are placed online through Flexischools for both first and second break.  The deadline to place an order for the same day is 8:00am and orders can be cancelled online until 8:00am on the day; no orders or cancellations can be accepted over the phone.

It is simple and easy to order through Flexischools - click on the Flexischools icon to register with your name, class and payment details and you are ready to order!


Over the counter sales for ice blocks and snacks are available at first and second break each day to students in years 1-6.

The Snack Shack can also provide your children with homemade birthday treats or ice blocks delivered straight to their classroom.

Contact for more information.

What happens if my child doesn’t have lunch?

Your child should notify their teacher who will contact you to discuss and obtain permission for the tuckshop to provide a piece of fruit and a Vegemite, Cheese or Jam Sandwich.  No orders will be accepted over the phone.

Payment for a forgotten lunch from the school Tuckshop, can be made via Flexi Schools or directly to the school tuckshop.

Birthday Treats

Birthday Treats

Is your child having a birthday?
You can order a Birthday Bucket to celebrate!
The bucket contains enough ice blocks for each child in their class, a birthday balloon and a certificate to keep as well as a treat for the birthday boy or girl all for $15. Simply contact the Snack Shack on or stop by the tuckshop to make arrangements.  The birthday bucket can be paid by cash at the tuckshop.  Please note that 2 days notice is required.


Join us for a few hours once or twice per term.  You will be asked to sort orders, assemble sandwiches, burgers and wraps, bake muffins and cookies, check in and sort stock, light cleaning, sales of snack items.  Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles – all are welcome!  Complete the Volunteer, How Can I Help? form or contact for more information.