Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to enrol?

It may take approximately 24-48 hours to process a new enrolment before bookings can be accepted. An orientation may also be required before care can begin to discuss any special considerations.

What if my child has special dietary requirements?

Parents are requested to notify the Service of any special dietary requirements through the enrolment procedures. The staff will do their best to accommodate any religious, cultural or medical dietary requirements.

Gluten-free, meat-free and dairy-free options are available.

Will my child be picked up from class?

Prep children are escorted to and from class up until term 4, where we begin a transitional period to show the children how to get to OSHC independently for grade 1.

All other grades make their way to and from the OSHC by themselves.

Can you administer medication to my child?

Parents have an obligation during the enrolment process to advise OSH Club of particular health needs, including medication, for their children. Any required medication must be provided to the Service and a Medication Authority form must be completed before care begins.

In the interests of health and wellbeing of the children, Eatons Hill OSH Club will only permit medication to be given to a child if it is in its original packaging with a chemist label attached. The label must state the child’s name and dose of medication required.

Do I need to do anything before care begins if my child has asthma?

Parents will be requested to notify the Service of any medical conditions, including asthma that their child may be suffering through the enrolment procedures. A medical action plan developed by the child’s physician and an inhaler will be required to be stored on site before care can begin as well as the completion of a Medication Authority Form. The Service will develop a risk minimisation plan in conjunction with the family to reduce the risk of exposure.

Is food provided?

A self-serve breakfast, consisting of cereals and fresh fruit is offered each morning with last call at 7:50am. Afternoon tea and a late fruit snack are available each afternoon.

Can I send food for my child?

Yes, but note that Eatons Hill OSH Club is a nut free zone, including Nutella, muesli bars with nuts etc. Even though the school may be aware of allergies, OSH Club must be notified separately.

If a child is found to have a food product with nuts, it will be confiscated and stored in the office. The parent will be able to retrieve the item upon pick up.

Food items cannot be heated or reheated by staff.

Do I need to re-enrol each year?

Yes, Parents are required to complete a new enrolment form each year before their child can attend in the following year.  In October, existing families are given a 4-week priority period to register their care needs for the following year. Once this priority period expires, enrolment is opened to all families.

Can I cancel my bookings?

Individual sessions of PERMANENT bookings cannot be cancelled; the child instead will be marked absent.

CASUAL Bookings can be cancelled with 7 days notice via email, any changes after the 7 day period will be marked as an absence and can also be marked as an absence through the Xplor App.

Child Care Subsidy is not payable for absences submitted before a child has started at a service, or after a child’s final day of actual attendance at a service, meaning CCS will not be paid for absences during the 7-day notice period; you will be responsible for the full fee.

What are the types of bookings?

You can request casual bookings through the Xplor app. Permanent bookings and any changes to permanent bookings need to be made via E-mail (

Permanent bookings will secure your spot on a weekly or fortnightly basis and charged at a reduced rate.

Casual bookings are not guaranteed but instead offered based on availability.

Can I make a fortnightly booking where the bookings are different in week 1 from week 2 in a 2-week period and then repeat?

Yes, regular bookings can be set up over a two-week period. This is done by our admin team during enrolment or e-mail if any changes are necessary. We require notification of days required for Week 1 and Week 2 of the fortnightly rotation, so we are able to input this into our system.

How many children can the Service provide care for?

Eatons Hill OSH Club is licensed to provide care for up to a specific number of children in each session:

  • Before School 200
  • After School 305
  • Vacation Care / Pupil Free Days 150
What is considered a business day?

A business day is a day that the OSHC Service is open, generally Monday to Friday, exclusive of public holidays. Business hours are 6:30am-6:00pm.  Anything submitted after 6:00pm will not be considered received until the following business day when it is able to be processed.

Can I drop my child off in the morning at the gate if I am running late?

No, Children must be accompanied in to the Service and signed in by the parent or authorised nominee. Under no circumstances are parents allowed to:

  • Leave their child unattended before the opening of the Service;
  • Drop them off in the parking lot;
  • Send them inside with a sibling or person other than an authorised nominee.
Can I pick up or drop my child off to the Prep group which is in transition between the school and OSHC?

No, there is no pick up allowed during the Prep transition to and from the school as the educators’ focus needs to be on the safe transfer and supervision of the children. If a parent approaches the group as they are going to school, the parent will be asked to take the child directly to the classroom. If a parent approaches the group as they return to the OSHC, they will be asked to accompany the group to the OSHC building and will be able to sign their child out of care at the OSHC building.

What happens if my child doesn’t show up for after school care?

If a child who is booked in to the Service for after school care has not arrived within ten minutes of expected arrival (@3:20pm), educators will attempt to contact the parent to ascertain the child’s safety. Calls to families regarding missing children are prioritised based upon the children’s ages with younger children being followed up first.

If the Service is unable to reach the parent or there is no response from the parent within 10 minutes, the Service will then attempt to call the emergency contacts on the numbers provided.

If parents advise that the child should be at the OSH Club:

  • The school office will be contacted to see if the child has reported there.
  • If staffing ratios allow, a staff member will also try to locate the child by searching the school grounds and checking the family’s normal meeting point for pick up.
  • If the child is still missing, the EHSS Administration will be advised to assist with locating the child.
  • If the child still cannot be located, the police, EHSS Principal and P&C President will be notified.


Will I receive a statement or invoice?

Statements are issued fortnightly on a Monday and are available at all times in the Xplor App. Any questions should be addressed to the OSHC Club office before Tuesday and then the Due Now amount will be withdrawn from your designated account on the Wednesday of the week the statement is issued.

How do I pay my fees?

You are required to provide payment details as part of the enrolment process. You will indicate whether your fees will be charged to a credit card or debited from your chosen bank account.  These are the only two options for payment.

Any changes to your payment method can be made through the Xplor App on your mobile phone.  Changes need to be completed before Monday of the payment week in order to be effective for the current cycle.

When are fees due?

Fees are due on a fortnightly basis on Wednesday.

Do I have to pay for the session if my child is sick?

Yes, an absence will be submitted as under the Child Care Subsidy families are allowed 42 absence days per child, per financial year. These 42 allowable absences can be taken for any reason, including public holidays and when children are sick, without the need for families to provide documentation. If a child is absent for more than one session of child care on the same day, such as both before and after school care, it is counted as one absence day. Families can see their year to date absence count through their Centrelink online account via MyGov.

Will I be charged more if I pick up after closing time?

A Late Collection Fee of $15.00 per child per 15 minutes or any part thereof is assessed for any collections that occur after 6:00pm.

What is Child Care Subsidy (CCS)?

Child Care Subsidy is a payment designed by the Australian government to assist families with the cost of child care fees. CCS is an arrangement between you and the Australian government but is paid directly to the child care service.  The service will then reduce your fees – you just pay the difference between the amount the service charges and the amount of the subsidy.  Families will need to make a claim for child care subsidy when (or before) each child starts attending care.

Are you an Approved Provider for Child Care Subsidy?

Once you have been deemed eligible and your entitlement has been established, the Service will reduce the amount payable on your statement by an estimate of your entitlement.  If for some reason, the actual amount paid is less than the system’s estimate, you are responsible to pay the difference to the Service.  You are responsible to pay full fees to the Service until the time at which the FAO determines your entitlement.

How do I get CCS set up?
  1. Apply for CCS - The easiest way to claim CCS is online. To claim online, you need a MyGov account linked to Centrelink.
    Sign in to MyGov and go to  Centrelink.
    Select Payment and Claims from the menu, then Claims, then Make a claim.Under Families, select Get started.
    Answer all the questions. Each screen has information to help you complete the claim. This includes how to submit your supporting documents. Submit your claim.
  2. Provide the Service through the enrolment process, the correct CRN (Customer Reference Number) and date of birth for both the accountholder with Centrelink and your child.
  3. Confirm the CWA in your Xplor App (Found under Finance)
  4. Confirm the arrangement between the Service and yourself on your MyGov account.
I haven’t had an opportunity to complete the MyGov assessment, will I be charged full fees?

You are responsible to pay full fees to the Service until the time at which the FAO determines your entitlement.

I have been charged full fees, can this be reversed when I have completed by CCS eligibility through MyGov?

Yes, CCS eligibility can be backdated up to 28 days prior to the date the parent’s CCS assessment was lodged or 2 July 2018, whichever is the later.

Absences cannot be recorded for a child before the child has physically begun care or after a child has physically left care – this means you are responsible for full fees if your child does not attend for your first booked session or the last sessions during a notice period for cancellation.

Are you open on public holidays?

No, the service is closed on all public holidays and for 2 weeks every year – the week including Christmas Day and the following week including New Year’s Day.

What are the office hours to speak with someone?

The OSHC administrator responds to phone calls and emails between 6:30am-10:00am and 2:00pm-5:30pm during school term; in vacation care, the phones are answered during all open hours from 6:30am-6:00pm.

How does the Service communicate with families?

Eatons Hill OSH Club recognises and acknowledges the importance of effective communication with families and strives to encourage their participation to enhance the service provided. We encourage families to voice any concerns in a way that will assist us to provide a better service.

There are a number of ways we communicate with our families. Verbal communication between educators and families is the most commonly used form of communication. These brief updates can happen at drop-off or pick-up times. If a longer period of time is needed, a meeting will be arranged so that the necessary parties can be involved.

Parents will have access to meet with the Coordinators by appointment, to discuss any issues or concerns with respect to their child and/or the Service. Information is available to families about their child which includes documentation of their child’s learning, development and participation in the program.

General information and updates for parents are communicated through News Flash email distributions, newsletters, social media such as Facebook (  and notices at the Family Information Areas and front entrances. Families can also view program activities, evaluations and documentation on display at the Service.

Family Handbooks are available on this website as part of Eatons Hill OSH Club enrolment package. The information contained in the Family Handbook is based on Service policies and procedures and should be used as a reference.

What happens if my child is hurt at OSHC?

For incidents that require minor first aid such as a band-aid or comforting ice pack, an entry will be made in the Service First Aid book. More significant injuries will result in the completion of an Illness, Injury, and Trauma report which will be discussed with you upon pick up.  Parents will be contacted by phone for more serious injuries, including significant injuries to the head.

What if my child can’t attend OSHC?

Parents must notify the Service if their child is going to be absent from a booked After School Care (ASC) session or a Search fee will apply. They should do this through the Xplor App in advance of the session.

It is critical to notify the Service of any absences before an After-School Care session as the Service has to assume a child is missing if they do not check in as scheduled which may result in the police being contacted.

Please note that the school office cannot take bookings or pass on cancellation information to OSHC. OSH Club must be contacted directly by phone or email. This includes if you collect your child from school for illness or any other reason, it is still your responsibility to inform OSHC.

Can my child participate in Extra-curricular activities while at OSHC?

For any extra activity, parents are required to complete and submit an Extra Activity Permission form prior to their child being able to participate. No verbal permissions will be accepted except in a situation deemed an emergency by the Nominated Supervisor who may use their discretion. An example of an emergency situation might be where a child is scheduled to attend a school sponsored activity involving an imminent excursion but only verbal permission can be acquired. When participating in an extra activity, the child will not be under the care of Eatons Hill OSH Club therefore the Club is not responsible for the child from the time they are signed out and leave the Club until they report back to the OSHC staff upon their return.

Can my child bring toys from home to play with at OSHC?

Children are generally discouraged from bringing personal toys or electronic items and will be asked to store these items in their bags during sessions. No responsibility shall be taken whatsoever for any items brought to Eatons Hill OSH Club which become lost or damaged.

Does the Service have a lost and found area?

Lost property boxes are located near the entrances to both OSHC buildings. It is important to clearly write your child’s name on personal items, not just initials. Any items that are not claimed will be placed in the lost property box near the school office each Friday morning.

Can my child use their mobile phone while at OSHC?

Children are not permitted to have mobile phones or other ICT devices on them while attending Eatons Hill OSHC. These items need to be stored inside their bags during the entire session.

Can I hire an OSHC educator to baby-sit my child in my home?

Eatons Hill OSH Club does not endorse educators and parents entering into private babysitting arrangements outside of service hours. Eatons Hill State School P&C Association will take no responsibility nor accept any liability in relation to such arrangements.

Who is the Approved Provider for the Service?

Eatons Hill OSH Club is managed by the Eatons Hill State School Parents and Citizens Association. The President of the P&C is the Approved Provider and ultimately accountable for all functions of the service.

Frequently Used Terms

ACECQA - Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA - pronounced a-see-kwa) is an independent national authority that assists governments in administering the National Quality Framework(NQF) for children's education and care. ACECQA works with the Australian and state and territory governments to:

  • implement changes that benefit children birth to 13 years of age and their families
  • monitor and promote the consistent application of the Education and Care Services National Law across all states and territories
  • support the children's education and care sector to improve quality outcomes for children.

ASC – After School Care

BSC – Before School Care

Child Care Subsidy (CCS) - Child Care Subsidy is a payment designed by the Australian government to assist families with the cost of child care fees.

Family Areas – each OSHC building has a designated area where forms and information are available for families

MTOP – My Time, Our Place

MyGov – a secure way to access government services (such as Centrelink) online with one login and one password

Search Fee - when a child is missing from an afternoon session and the service has to search to confirm that the child is safe; a search fee is applied in this situation most frequently because a parent has not marked the child as absent through the App

OSHC Complaints, Grievances & Compliments

If you would like to provide feedback on what we are doing well or where we can focus to improve, please follow the steps below:

Contact Us
Eatons Hill OSH Club

PO Box 106
Albany Creek, QLD 4035
Phone: 0488 698 611

Approved Provider/Nominated Supervisors

Eatons Hill State School P&C Association
Jaime Nakahara, Chris Smith, Caitlin Gillam, Mark O'Reilly

OSHC Leadership Team

Operations Manager
Monica Byng

Service Coordinators
Karly Otter & Beth MacMillan

Educational Leader
Martin Schneider
Prep Assistant Coordinator
Ruby Coulta
1-2 Assistant Coordinator
Alycia Hansen
 3-4 Assistant Coordinator
Letitia Brennan
5-6 Assistant Coordinator
Jack Collins
OSHC Administrator
Nicole Turton
0488 698 611

Please allow up to 48 business hours for a reply

Eatons Hill State School 3264 9222
Australian Childhood Immunisation Register 1800 653 809
Child Safety Services 1300 682 254
After Hours Service Centre 1800 177 135 or 3235 9999
Counselling and Support Lifeline 13 11 14
Emergency Service 000
Family Assistance Office (Centrelink) 13 61 50
Family & Child Connect 13 32 64
Family & Domestic Violence 1800 737 732
Office of Early Childhood Education & Care Metro North Regional Office (07) 3634 0532
Poisons Information Centre 13 11 26
Police Link 13 14 44