Eatons Hill OSH Club

osh clubEatons Hill State School P&C Association is the Approved Provider of Eatons Hill OSH Club. The OSH Club provides care for primary school-aged children in the Community Hall and P&C building located on the Eatons Hill State School campus at 1 Apex Grove. The Exceeding rated Service is open for before and after school care as well as during school holidays and is licensed to provide care for up to 305 children.

The OSHC team is committed to providing high-quality service that supports the needs of each child in a creative, stimulating, and safe environment. The Service aims to extend and enrich children’s wellbeing by providing experiences that are meaningful to the children in an environment that allows them to explore, discover, build relationships, solve problems, create, construct, improvise and imagine. The program is well resourced with a variety of board games, arts and crafts materials, sports equipment, books, and indoor and outdoor toys. The Service also has access to school facilities such as the cricket and basketball courts, ovals and Sports Hall.

Members of the OSHC team bring a wide variety of backgrounds and experience in childcare and work in accordance with the National Quality Framework and the Education and Care Services National Regulations.   They are guided in best practice by the School Aged Framework – My Time, Our Place.

By focusing on the three themes of Being, Belonging, and Becoming which underpin the framework, My Time, Our Place, educators provide children with opportunities to maximise their potential and develop a foundation for future success in life. A sense of belonging is created by fostering meaningful relationships between educators, children, families and the wider community. Children experience a sense of being by enjoying themselves in the engaging and inclusive environment where they are encouraged to let their interests guide their experiences. A sense of becoming is achieved by taking a holistic view to support the emotional and physical well-being of each child; positively supporting children in their choices and guiding them when they seek assistance to overcome challenges.

Care is available to primary school aged children from Prep to Grade 6 from the beginning of the calendar year in which children will attend school, meaning newly enrolled preps can begin attending vacation care at OSHC as of 1st January, of the year they enrol for prep.

Parents are required to complete a new enrolment form and register their care needs through the service each year before their child can attend. A Debit Success payment form is also required the first year of enrolment and thereafter when details change. In October, existing families are given a priority period to register their care needs for the following year. Once this priority period expires, enrolment is opened to all families.

If you need further information, do not hesitate to contact us at 0488 698 611 or

Outside School Hours Care


Before School Care

Permanent booking - $21.40
Casual booking - $24.50

After School Care

Permanent booking - $27.15
Casual booking - $30.20

Vacation Care

Basic Day - $66.80
Incursion Day - $82.40
Excursion Day - $89.50

Hours: 6:30am-9:00am
Cost: $21.40 permanent bookings; $24.50 casual booking

Before School Care (BSC) is held in the Community Hall for Senior children (Years 3-6) and in the P&C Building for Juniors (Years Prep-2).  Prep children are escorted to class and leave the P&C building at 8:30 to walk across campus – no Prep children can be signed in for care after the Prep group leaves the building.  The remaining junior children are also signed out starting at 8:30am.  The children should then go to their appropriate class line and on to the oval until the 8:50am school bell.

Breakfast is offered between 7:00am and 8:00am with last call at 7:50am.  Breakfast consists of a variety of healthy cereals and fresh fruit.  Gluten-free cereal/bread & dairy free milk available.


Hours: 3:00pm-6:00pm
Cost: $27.15 Permanent bookings; $30.20 casual booking

For After School Care (ASC), Prep children are collected from their classroom and escorted to the P&C Building, arriving generally around 3:20pm.  The remaining grade levels walk from their classroom directly to the appropriate OSHC building with arrival anticipated by 3:10pm.

Afternoon tea and a late snack of fresh fruit are offered daily.

Families must arrange for collection of their children by 6:00pm or a late fee of $15 per 15 minutes or any part thereof per child applies.


Hours: 6:30am-6:00pm
Cost Basic Day: $66.80
Cost Incursion Day: $82.40
Cost Excursion Day: $89.50

Vacation Care is offered during end of term breaks and on pupil free school days.  Fees vary according to the activity that is programmed for the day.  Programs are distributed by email 3 weeks before the break.  Regular term time bookings do not carry into Vacation Care, instead, families may pick and choose which days they would like to book their children into.

Separate programs will be run in the JR and SR OSHC buildings as they are during term time.  Children will be dropped off and signed in, in their regular building. Both buildings will merge into the JR Building between 3.30pm-4.00pm.

Breakfast, afternoon tea and a late snack of fresh fruit are offered daily. Your child needs to bring the following items (labelled with their full name) each day:

  • Water bottle - Water is available to refill bottles throughout the day
  • Appropriate sun protection clothing which covers their full shoulders (No singlets)
  • Hat – “No Hat, Shade Play Only”
  • Enclosed-toe shoes such as runners, no thongs or sandals
  • Ready-made Morning Tea & Lunch (We cannot heat/reheat any items)

Your child needs to wear his/her EHSS uniform shirt for all excursions. NO SPARE SHIRTS WILL BE AVAILABLE. If your child arrives without their school polo. You will be required to return home to collect it. 


Families will be able to manage their accounts and casual bookings through the Xplor system.

There are 2 parts to the system:

  • Xplor Parents Website which you can access through the link provided on our website. The website is used for enrolment information, to designate nominees with permissions and to manage permanent bookings.


  • Xplor Home App - which you can download onto your iPad or mobile phone.  The App is used to make casual bookings, designate approved persons for pick up/drop off, mark absences and update your billing details.

There is a computer and iPad on site for use if needed during the administration hours of 6:30-10:00am and 2:00-5:30pm.

Types of Bookings

The service offers Permanent and Casual Bookings.  Permanent bookings hold a guaranteed spot for your child in a specific session each week or fortnight.  Permanent bookings allow the service to staff appropriately and purchase the right amount of resources and are therefore, offered at a reduced rate.  Individual sessions of permanent bookings cannot be cancelled.  Permanent bookings remain in place throughout the year until 7-days’ written notice of cancellation is provided – permanent bookings cannot be reinstated within 3 weeks of cancellation.

Permanent bookings can be requested on a weekly or fortnightly basis.  With a fortnightly booking, you have set sessions for week 1 and set sessions for week 2 but these differ from each other and then they repeat.  For example, your child is booked in for care in Week 1 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and then in week 2 they are booked in for care on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Casual bookings are not guaranteed but instead offered as available.  Casual bookings are scheduled through the App and can be booked up until 30 minutes before the session starts.

Registration for 2025

There are 2 steps  - Register by reviewing and submitting the enrolment form for each child needing care and then request permanent bookings.  If you do not request a permanent booking, your child will be set up for casual bookings.

Registration for 2025 will begin on Friday October 11.  Any family needing care in 2025 will need to register with the service - no enrolments or permanent bookings carry over into the following year. A re-enrolment form will be completed by all families who currently utilise the service.

New Families -

  • Register for a Xplor through the link on the OSHC page
  • Add information for any contacts that you want listed on the account
  • Once the enrolment is complete you will be placed on our waiting list and contacted via email to confirm any information

All children are set up for casual bookings (on top of any permanent bookings) and can be made via the app.
No casual bookings for 2024 will be accepted until re-enrolment forms are completed.

To request a permanent booking

To request a permanent booking (or changes to permanent bookings) you will need to contact our admin team via so that we are able to process your requests

Once we have received communications for your change in bookings we will let you know what spaces we have available and what days you will be required to go on our waitlist for.

If your child does not attend on the first day of their booking you will be charged full fees for the sessions they are absent until their first day of attendance.
The same is for when a child ceases to attend the service, if your child does not attend their final day of care you will be charged full fees for all absent sessions until their last day of proper attendance.


Existing families are given a 4-week window to register their care needs before enrolments for new families are processed.

Processing will begin in November when letters of confirmation will be emailed. If we receive no communications in regards to changes of days requested then we will be processing them for the most recent enrolment form we receive.

Annual Enrolment Fee

The $25 Annual enrolment fee will be charged to your account once your enrolment is processed.   This fee is non-refundable even if you do not start care with the service.

If you need further information, review the Xplor Family Guide in the Forms section or contact us at 0488 698 611 or

CARING educators offering FUN in a SAFE & SUPPORTIVE environment
makes a QUALITY Service.

What this means to us:



ensuring all children have a sense of belonging as we endeavour to build meaningful relationships with children, families and the wider community; having a genuine interest to listen and acknowledge concerns, ideas and feelings; each child’s best interests is at the heart of our actions.


ensuring all children have a sense of being by enjoying themselves in an engaging, inclusive environment; providing new opportunities and allowing children’s interests to guide their experiences.


conducting daily risk assessments of environment before each session; ensuring all students feel secure and welcomed within the environment; consistently utilising effective policies and procedures; active supervision and awareness.



developing a sense of becoming by taking a holistic view to support the emotional and physical well-being of each child; positively supporting children in their choices and guiding them when they seek assistance to overcome challenges; allowing children to make mistakes so they can then grow and learn from them.



Staff with relevant knowledge and a high skill level facilitated by ongoing training and professional development; reflection on practice for continuous improvement; documenting purposeful events and interactions.